Catching the Light
by Bonnie Lambert
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 24.000 x 1.500 inches
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Catching the Light
Bonnie Lambert
Painting - Oil On Canvas
The reflection of the sunset on this long line of cars is magical! Each auto processes the glowing light in its own way. A simple street with packed-in cars, apartment buildings and overhanging palms celebrates its five minute of Magic Hour.
Artistic Inspiration—
I’m an expressionist oil painter inspired by Greater Los Angeles and Southern California. Favorite subjects include the throb of rush hour traffic; the last gasp of light before nighttime; palm-lined neighborhoods; and telephone lines and towers slicing through the sky. I’m fascinated by the tension and connection between nature and the hand-of-man. I paint with a vibrant palette and expressive brushstrokes to share my vision of an essence of the urban experience.
Through my oil paintings I ask the viewer to look, like for the first time, at ordinary places and situations so common to us that we’ve become blind to them. I invite viewers to open their eyes to this world around us—rich in meaning and beauty.
September 26th, 2023
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